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The Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions that govern Adams Lake states that trash cans are not to be visible from the street except on scheduled pick up days (Section 5.23). This includes being visible on the side of your home.  If your trash & recycling cans are visible from the street, you will get a violation letter.   Please place trash cans in the garage or rear of home.  You can use bushes or a Lattice Fence can be used to hide the trash cans on the side.  A lattice fence will require an ARB Request

Adams Lake is a Deed Restricted Community located on the Westside of Jacksonville, Florida.  It offers homeowners the best of both worlds. Located off Normandy Boulevard between SR23 and Chaffee Road, Adams Lake is just minutes away from restaurants and shopping and just two miles from I-10.  Also, since Adams Lake is located 15 miles West of downtown Jacksonville, our community is just far enough away from the hustle and bustle of city life.  

The community of Adams Lake is centered in a wild life preserve with access to "Adams Lake" which was once known as "Doughnut Lake". The name was given to this lake because of its odd shape and small island located in the center.  There are numerous ponds and lakes throughout the community.

Adams Lake is a diversified community.  Our residents come from all walks of life.  If you are looking for a community that offers quiet living and neighborly attitudes within a big city, then Adams Lake is just right.

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