Community Corner
Adams Lake discussion group is a place to voice your opinion with other Adams Lake residents. By selecting the below link you will be forwarded to the group sign into the NextDoor website. This is the easiest way for our neighborhood to stay in contact with each other. Additionally, a private Facebook Group is available to join (Adams Lake Community). Ensure you answer the questions to obtain access.
Nextdoor – This is a free, internet-based application for Jacksonville residents. The JSO contributes Crime & Public Safety information on this channel. Go to to register your neighborhood or join an existing group.
Yard of the Month
Congratulations to the family of _________ for winning 'Yard of the Month." Adams Lake appreciates the diligent efforts of our neighbors to have a beautiful and well maintained lawn.
If you would like to nominate a neighbor for this award, please drop us a note at
Guest Parking
Please be advised that your guests are your responsibility and that includes parking. Please do not park on the grass. When having events that require parking on the streets, please have your guests park on the same side of the street. Please be courteous and ensure that your neighbors and other residents of Adams lake can get past the parked cars.
Yard and Lawn Care Tips
Well it is that time of the year again to start getting that lawn back to it's color. For best results, use a high grade fertilizer. JEA allows for watering twice a week, however, it may be necessary to hand water "dry spots" or "hot spots" as they occur. Set your mower to the highest setting possible. This will give your lawn plenty of growth from the root system. Cutting your lawn too short could cause the root system to dry out and die. Keeping your lawn weed free will promote proper growth and will help to insure that most of the water is being absorbed by the grass and not by the weeds. Proper edging and trimming always enhances the curb appeal of a healthy lawn. A new survey conducted by finds that 75% of Americans believe the most important factor in determining a neighborhood's safety is the up-keep of surrounding homes, especially the conditions of the front lawns, which trumps even Googling neighborhood statistics to get a feel for a community.
Click the following link to open the attached PDF file: St Augustine Care. Follow the schedule and your yard will be the talk of the town.
Garbage, Yard Waste and Recycling Collection
Every Other Monday: Recycling
Thursday: Yard Waste
Fridays: Garbage
Please help us on trash day by making sure your garbage can lid is secure, additional trash that is bagged is tied securely, and cardboard boxes are broken down. Your trash may not be collected if it is not prepared properly. Please remember to store empty trash cans in your garage or behind a fence. Trash cans are not to be seen from the street.
Yard Sales
Having a yard sale? Let us know in advance and we will list the dates in the Event Calendar. There is also a place to post your items for online sale at Free, Buy, Sale, Trade - Adams Lake and surrounding Area.